Pet Patrol

Submit A Pet Patrol Animal


Dog missing from Skullbone Rd in Bradford. He is a small pit, white and gray/brindal in color. He was last seen wearing a red collar and a green flea collar. He had been fixed. He is very friendly. If you’ve seen him call 731 225 1518.

Missing Female miniature Yorkie ran off with her pink harness and leash on near 131 Davis Lane Martin her name is Coco.  Reward for return please keep a lookout and call or text 1 (801) 822-8951 or +1 (480) 208-0818

Missing in Martin

Dog went missing from the Hutchens road area.  He is a medium size fawn colored dog with one blue eye and one brown eye. His name is Newt. He is a very friendly dog. If you’ve seen him call 731-819-2338

Missing in Sharon

Missing dog from Sharon/Sidoina last seen Sidonia off Hwy 89. His name is Buc-ee, he is brown with a white patch on his chest and no collar. If you’ve seen him call 512-247-1972

Boston Terrier

Lost in Union City. Senior dog, answers to Sophie. Tags with number and she’s chipped. Mostly blind and deaf, but deeply loved. Contact numbers 731-446-2277 & 731-446-2279

German Shepard

Missing Female Black & Tan  German Shepard, answers to the name Jen. Last seen in a pink camoflouge collar in Martin. If you’ve seen her, call 731514-3680 or 731-514-3699.



Dog found on Hwy 45 outside of Martin headed toward Sharon. Call 514-3900.
Cat found in Hyndsver Road area of Martin. We have a cat that appears to be lost coming to our backporch every day. We have been providing food and water. If you are looking for it or want to adopt it call 908-342-7169.

Found Black Lab

Female Black Lab Mix found on Mt. Pelia Road in Martin. She is well socialized and trained and hasn’t been microchipped. If she’s your dog, call to claim her at 731-592-1099.

Submit A Pet Patrol Animal
